14 lessons from 2024
In poem form
I said to myself that I wouldn’t do one of those ‘what I’ve learned’ posts from this year, as it has been such a topsy-turvy 12 months. The muse had different ideas, however. (I’ve also spared you the whole side show the poor folks on LinkedIn got.)
All bits of life want narrative.
Every change arrives with a roar.
Take steps you think preparative.
But know that you’ll still need more.
Say yes to opportunities.
Do things for your communities.
Be confident if you’ve done the work.
Don’t shy from your particular quirks.
It’s powerful to encourage.
Stop when your body says it’s ill.
Take the time to listen, be still.
Go again, you’ll find the courage.
Long lunches beat out later nights.
Pushkin sonnets are hard to write.